The Hidden Blog

As it turns out, I do have a hostname.

About me

I'm a software engineer mostly working with Go on the backend and currently working and living in Berlin, Germany.

If you want to contact me:, happy to hear from you!

Other places

Side projects

  • Annoying.Technology, a blog about daily annoyances curated with Manu
  • Birdfeeder, never forget about your Twitter bookmarks again. Birdfeeder sends you a list of your new bookmarks to your email inbox once a week.
  • Editorial Sync, all your blog posts in your calendar. Schedule blog posts with your team with ease.

About the blog

This is the fourth iteration of this blog, now using Kirby CMS. It's a file based CMS with a nice writing interface. Previously I was using Hugo as a static site generator but writing posts with images is not a great experience there. Before that I was using Ghost, but hosting it with a database was always a bit of a hassle.

I've recreated the theme I've been using in my Hugo blog which was based on Ink. I tweaked it with with custom layouts / CSS to make it work for my use case. Full credit to Kailash Nadh, thanks!