The Hidden Blog

As it turns out, I do have a hostname.

2014 Pick a random file from a directory

AKA. Which movie should I watch today? Unfortunately the version of sort shipped with Mac OS doesn't include the -R / --random-sort option and shuf doesn't …

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2014 Running OpenVPN with OpenVZ

Just filing this away for future reference. If you want to run OpenVPN within a OpenVZ container you'll have to setup the iptables rules for the correct …

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2014 Make calibre updates less annoying

If you are dealing with ebooks you are probably aware of Calibre. It's ugly and a pain to use but it's currently the only application to use if you are serious …

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2014 Backup your server with Tarsnap

Regular and automated backups are hard to get right if you are not on a Mac using TimeMachine. There are multiple ways to keep and maintain backups on a linux …

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2014 Using Newsbeuter to read your RSS feeds

After the shutdown of Google Reader I was in desperate need of a new feed reader. After using Feedbin for a few months I finally settled on Newsbeuter. It's a …

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2014 Deploy websites using git

This guide explains how to deploy to a remote server by pushing to a remote git repository which is using a custom post-receive hook to checkout the contents …

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