The Hidden Blog

As it turns out, I do have a hostname.

2022 Building container images in Kubernetes with kaniko

A few weeks ago I rebuilt a GitLab CI pipeline at JustWatch. One part of that was to move the step building the container images in the Kubernetes cluster from …

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2022 Listening to a movie as an audiobook

Today I was reading a comment on HN that piqued my interest. I used to rip the audio of my favourite movies and listen to them like audiobooks. Because I was …

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2022 Migrating from self-hosted Postgres to DigitalOcean

Until now Birdfeeder was powered by a self-hosted Postgres instance which is used by various other side projects. It was running out of space and decided to …

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2022 Check Postgres table dependencies for cascade

Currently I'm working on a better staging setup for Birdfeeder. A big part of that is syncing the production database to the staging database while cleaning …

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2022 Birdfeeder Tech Stack

After sharing some information about how Birdfeeder collects your Twitter bookmarks and sends them to your inbox we are going to take a look at the technical …

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2022 Birdfeeder: Twitter bookmarks in your email inbox

I'm a heavy user of Twitter bookmarks but I always forget checking them when I would actually have time to do so. I use them to bookmark tweets I later want to …

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2022 Building Web Extensions for Chrome, Firefox and Safari

For my new side project I needed to build a browser extension. I was hesitant to build one as the development experience of doing everything in the browser …

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2021 Review: GL-iNet Beryl MT1300 Travel Router (Apple TV on a VPN)

Review: GL-iNet Beryl MT1300 Travel Router (Apple TV on a VPN)

This is a short review of a new gadget I recently purchased. I sometimes have the need to route my Apple TV's traffic through a VPN. This can be for simple …

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2020 Almost Paperless Office

Recently I looked at my increasingly large pile of important documents and decided to make sorting them a small project. After a while it was clear that a lot …

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2020 My Ghost to Hugo migration

If you've visited this blog before you might have noticed that it looks a bit different than before. You are not mistaken and the reason is that I spent some …

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