2024 Using my iPad for Microsoft Flight Simulator navigation

A few years ago I bought an Xbox to play Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS), after not so much time I realized that the experience on Xbox is okay to fly around …
Read the post2024 WIP: Building a sitemap to internet archive tool

I started working on a small—just for fun—side project recently and I thought I'll just use my newly rejuvenated blog to write some status updates from time to …
Read the post2024 Deploying Docker images with Dokku and a custom nginx configuration
I've recently switched to Dokku to deploy simple apps and projects on my server. It's an amazing open source tool and essentially a wrapper around Docker. This …
Read the post2024 From Hugo to Kirby
It's this time of the year again where I'm switching blogging engines, instead of writing blog posts. As you can probably not see (I tried to manually recreate …
Read the post2024 Dim Sum Labs: Hackerspace in Hong Kong
One of my favorite discoveries when staying in Hong Kong in the past two years was the hackerspace " Dim Sum Labs" (DSL). It is the first of its kind in the …
Read the post2024 Lock Contention on Google Cloud SQL and Postgres

I recently looked into some performance issues on a large PostgreSQL 13.12 instance. One part of that was to make sure we don’t have too much locking going on …
Read the post2023 Two months in Hong Kong
In 2023 I spent two months in Hong Kong, here’s a small subset of places that I remember and liked. More inspiration for places to visit are in my vlog …
Read the post2023 Vlogging
This year I started playing around with creating video content. The goal was to create low-effort semi-frequent video summaries of what I have been up to. I …
Read the post2023 New music in my email inbox
In the past years I came to the realization that I don't discover new music any more. Now I see new albums if they show up on my "Listen Now" view in Apple …
Read the post2023 Taking a look at Nostr
After hearing about Nostr from multiple people over the past weeks I decided to take a look and learn more about it. I found nostr-resources.com, usenostr.org …
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